quarta-feira, 24 de outubro de 2012

Patchs para OVM 3.1.1

Pessoal, sairam patchs para o OVM Manager 3.1.1 e OVM Server 3.1.1.

Para o OVM Manager o build é o 478, os bugs corrigidos são:

  • 14697223 - Adds check for network port value, prevents a null pointer exception from being thrown.
  • 14253137 - Improves the handling of slave ports with differing MTU settings during bond creation.
  • 14600223 - Fixes the issue where during discovery of a server mounts from file servers that do not have that server in its admin server list, were tried to be discovered.
  • 14350980 - Fixes the issue where the virtual network interfaces got reordered according to alphanumeric sorting of MAC address.

Para o OVM Server o build é  o 485, para visualizar a lista de bugs corrigidos acesse: https://oss.oracle.com/pipermail/oraclevm-errata/

Recomendo fortemente que mantenham o OVM atualizado para não "cair" em nenhum dos bugs listados. 

Um abraço.


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